The story Katha Upanishad is aligory because it relates to death. This story is talks  about Nachiketa a teenage boy that’s hero and successfully doesn’t fall into temptation of death. He wanted honesty only. Most people need to nearly die to wake up in the real world. Most people usually depend to put their life in God’s hands.    

                                  Nachiketa believes being in teen life is around the best time because you could always be curious. He got three wishes also from death he didn't really care about his two wishes but didn't want to pass on them, the most important wish that he  wanted was the third wish. His most curios wish was how results turn out after death. What death offered him was money, fame, any other thing that makes you happy in life but, Nachicketa didn't want to stick with his last wish so he stayed with his main original wish which made death excited.

                                    The  author wanted to try to relate this story to a Genie who grants wishes.  Genies are really creepy but, they are a spirit that can become visible.  They usually brain wash people with wishes. Also the author was trying to point out that having a wish may not always be good because it could lead you to a wrong path. I learned in this story to just be grateful for what you have instead of asking for wishes.

                                     This story Katha  Unpanishad is similar  to things we do in life which makes the story familiar to us. When I think about life I also remember to thank god for another day because he's the one who  decides  to keep me in this world. You only live once so always do what you feel whats best for you. Another  importing peace is to be grateful for what you have. In this world you know that you only get one life for sure make the best of it because you never know if you'll wake up the next day.


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